Our School Story:
Back in 2022, All Saints CIW Primary School lacked a clear and consistent approach to managing behaviour. Relational practice was not at the heart of their behavioural approach. Whilst things had been fine for a while, they started to notice increased challenges in children’s behaviour. An increase in anxiety, mental health issues and a rise in additional learning needs triggered a need for change, to support both the adults and children. The Covid pandemic exacerbated this need even further.
All Saints was already undertaking work to become a Trauma Informed School when they heard about training and support made available by the Vale of Glamorgan Council. They embraced this as it tied in well with what they were trying to achieve.
All Saints wanted to bring about an approach where relationships sit at the very heart. Where all adults are singing from the same song sheet and feel supported and educated in implementing a person-centred approach. Where behaviour is ‘taught’ and not ‘done’ to a child. Where consequences are natural and where the dial is always being monitored between what a child needs and what they deserve.
A When The Adults Change Health Check was undertaken initially to give guidance and suggestions for improvement. ‘Be ready, Be respectful, Be responsible’ were introduced as the 3 school rules, with a large corridor display and work done to embed them. A new Relationships and Positive Behaviour Policy was written, with relational practice at the forefront. It sets out the framework for a clear and consistent approach to promoting positive relationships. It was accompanied by a concise crib sheet, the ‘All Saints Songsheet’, which outlines the positive steps, scripts and stepped sanctions.
All staff are expected to use a restorative approach to support and develop positive relationships and behaviours, with a warning followed by a scripted intervention. Strategies to support children who aren’t ready to learn include a safe space with an adult, sensory breaks and movement breaks, restorative conversations and ELSA and Emotional support.
Visible adult consistencies are key. Meet and Greet is carried out each morning and afternoon at the classroom door. There are also special Meet and Greets, where SLT dress up and get involved, carried out on significant days like World Mental Health Day. ‘Magic Manners’ are acknowledged and encouraged at every opportunity. ‘Hands up for silence’ is also embedded, scaffolded with a countdown.
Above and beyond behaviours are celebrated through recognition boards. These are in every classroom, plus the hall and corridor. House points are focused on work and positive attitudes to learning, weekly certificates are given in collective worship, and there are also opportunities for hot chocolate with the Headteacher and Headteacher Awards. ‘Bands Bendigedig’ festival type bands are also offered to reward those going above and beyond. Positive Noticing Day is also fully embraced at the school.
Copies of ‘When the Adults Change, Everything Changes’ were bought for all staff and WTAC training was undertaken by teachers, Learning Support Assistants and Midday Supervisors. They also attended the WTAC Renewing Relational Practice Conference that was held in the Vale of Glamorgan for local schools.
Rolling out the rules, policy and songsheet was hard work but straightforward. Embedding the rules and the positive approach was also hard but has paid off. There are ongoing discussions around consequence. As a school they are looking to incorporate regular positive phone calls home, positive postcards and positive noticing cards. The next step is to to roll out relational practice with parents. All Saints have signed up to WTAC’s Behaviour Change Programme and are looking forward to using this to help support the relational improvements that they would like to achieve.
As a school, All Saints feel that relational practice is a highly effective way to manage behaviour in school, as it is built on the solid foundations of love, relationships and trust. It is a model for all humans to practise, young and old. To treat children how you would expect to be treated yourself. Creating a culture of kindness and respect where children feel safe and happy to learn. The emphasis on nurturing compassionate relationships and promoting the well-being of all members of the school community ties in perfectly with the Christian ethos of the school.
The past few years have been a real journey of reflection and growth, with All Saints assessing their practices and identifying the profound impact that adult behaviours have on students' emotional and educational development. We are delighted that All Saints CIW Primary School is now a WTAC Partner School. We have been working closely with them and have really seen the progress that has been made. We look forward to continuing our journey with them.